Novodur® HH-112 performing as a grade of choice for automotive rear lamp housings
INEOS Styrolution’s grades selected by leading global automobile brands for rear lamp and housing applications.

Novodur HH-112 enjoys a track record of more than ten years being the material of choice in terms of performance and processability for rear lamp and housing applications and is currently used by leading global automobile brands. This material provides high heat resistance, high dimensional stability and excellent stiffness. In addition, it also offers great performance in metallisation and welding processes.
For Minda, the moulding and metallising performance of Novodur HH-112 were the key criteria to select this material for its rear lamp housing application. Novodur HH-112 offers excellent mechanical properties with overall balanced thermal and rheological properties.
Novodur HH-112 offers superior heat resistance and exhibits great performance in aluminum vacuum metallising coatings and welding processes. Overall, it was selected because it delivers the best material properties for the rear lamp housing application.